Q&A: Breakout 1B: Panel Discussion - Driving greater buy-in for expanding employee volunteering in your organisation

Please post your questions for this session as a reply to this post

Rural volunteering is a big challenge. How to to tackle it.

Questions are for Sunanda, do you have any toolkit or curriculum to support volunteers carry out the mentoring and coaching program? Are the volunteers trained for the program (Diya Kundu from Mentor Together)

How do you differentiate between employee engagement activities and volunteering activities? Or is there even a difference between them?

Very happy to see deep community engagement by Omega. Lot of corporates are only interested in short term or one time volunteering opportunities. Why so and how can we create a shift in the mindset?

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Do you have employee Volunteering and if so how do you get their buy-in for volunteering which has larger commitment and skill based.

This question is for Sunanda

Ravi Raghavan

For Sham : what are the way you prefer to make sure the visibility of volunteering work and volunteers.
And how fresh work manage the coordination and communication for Volunteering initiative.

Praveen Parihar

I am referring to normal employees and not the leadership

Ravi Raghavan


How does Omega assist nonprofits focused on Healthcare through its volunteer programs?

This is for Sunanda - What are the challenges you have faced when implementing long term commitment program in volunteering at omega and how did you overcome it.?

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This question is for Shyam.
Working with underprivileged communities has challenges like they might have gone through multiple traumas or they have different backgrounds. Do how you manage to maintain their mental well being as well?

How do you keep the Senior Management invested in on site visit at the CSR Project Locations? Do they expect quick changes in project post visit or encourage sustained quality intervention?

What are the enabling mechanisms you provide to first time volunteers, especially in the case of omega- when volunteering is in the nascent stage- how do you enable first time volunteers in your org and at the same time also engage with the seasoned volunteers.

Corporates are hesitant to pay for volunteering. They want it free. Even if they want to pay, they want it at a cheap cost like Rs 100 to Rs 400 per volunteer.

They negotiate all the time.

The corporate has more budget for Team dinners or outings than employee volunteering.

What can we do to tell corporates that employee volunteering has a cost and see it as an investment instead of seeing it as a cost.

This is for Shyam - What was the placement rate for your academic program? Placing the candidates after training is the critical task. What strategy you are following for ensuring the placement for all the students once trained?


Do you do virtual volunteering? Do you permit volunteering during the office hours? What support do you give them to sustain volunteering

Ravi Raghavan


Have you tried climate change related activities within the organisation keeping in mind that directly impacts health and if yes what are the kind of reactions you have received back? Are there any particular thing they show interest around it?

How do you think employees sign up for activities that demands them to step out of their comfort zone?

Corporates want to do volunteering in communities where they are present.

Similarly, employees come from different places. They have an emotional connection to their native places. Have you considered volunteering programs in their natives?

Any initiative to promote cycling for first and last mile or cycling within the campus for the employees. Any incentives provide who adds to reducing carbon footprint in the city?