How do we calculate the ‘Lives Impacted’ for ‘Tree Plantation’ activity?
How does your NGO calculate it if you are doing this event?
How do we calculate the ‘Lives Impacted’ for ‘Tree Plantation’ activity?
How does your NGO calculate it if you are doing this event?
Not sure if this translates directly into lives impacted, unless you’ve provided livelihood to someone who has planted the trees. Otherwise you can calculate the CO2 offset, esp if you track the life of the tree over a few years- these values are available for almost all tree species online. If this (carbon calculation) is important, drop me a mail and I will connect you to people who understand this subject better.
The key challenge with tree plantation is that people normally don’t look after the planted saplings and survival rates are typically <10-15%.
Curious, why do you want to connect trees and lives?
Because, some corporates asks that question!
@kartheevidya as @venkat said that if people are provided direct employment for planting and thereafter for looking after trees, it is a direct benefit (direct lives impacted). Further, depending on tree type, if these are fruit trees, may be sharing the fruits with the community can be a direct benefit for some people (although this might require some ingenuity and creativity to put it on the proposal)
I think this is actually a chance to get creative as well and show social benefits accruing from tree plantaton. Some experiments have suggested a lower level of bio stress markers when one is in presence of leafy/natural surroundings. Trees may also work for the improved level of concentration in children with ADHD.
If you want to be more creative, one can actually show a reduction in Disabiity Affected Life Years resulting from lesser concentration of CO2 in nearby atmosphere. At the end of the day, if one is able to show social returns, most funders will not be concerned about the “lives impacted.” And if they still are, here is the picture that might speak a thousand words.