Introducing the Volunteer BOOST: Micro-Grant Program!

@gauthamnc Approved. Will reach out to you for payment details. Do share results of the the ad campaign once completed :slight_smile:

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@amit One time certificates /memento approved. Will reach out for payment details.

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@S.singh Can you clarify if the “reach on Instagram” is to acquire volunteers?

@Rahul0320 Cannot locate this number. Just messaged you

@thatcher poster for recruiting volunteers approved. Will reach out to payment details.

@mathiphp one-time t-shirt expenses approved. Will reach out to you for payment details.

@Lokesh Unfortunately, expenses on program, end-beneficiaries (including children) are are not part micro-grant.

@Mehar One-time appreciation certificates approved. Will reach out for payment details.

@Seetayya one-time appreciation certificates approved. Will reach out to you for payment details.